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Every slave was counted as three-fifths of a person.

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12y ago

The population of the state affects representation in the House of Representation. The three fifths compromise said that slaves counted as 3/5 of a person.

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Q: How did the Three-Fifths compromise affect the population of each state?
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What is the name compromise that included the slave population as a fraction of the population to be included in determining the number of representative for a state?

That compromise is known as the Great Compromise.

What Compromise determined how slaves would be counted in a state's population?


The Compromise determined how slaves would be counted in a state's population.?


What agreement resulted fro the debate about state population in the US constitution?

The Great Compromise

What was the solution to the great compromise?

large states (large population) wanted the number a representatives to be determined by the population while small states (little population) wanted the number of representatives to be the same for every state. The compromise was to create the senate (2 representatives per state) and the house of representatives (representatives determined by population)

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great compromise

How does a significant decrease in population affect a state?

the state will loose money

How were the Virginia Plan and New Jersey plan resolved in the Great Compromise?

The Great Compromise, aka the Connecticut Compromise, used parts of both the Virginia Plan (legislative apportion by population) and the New Jersey Plan (equal representation for each state) by creating a bicameral (two-house) US Congress. The upper house, the Senate, has 2 senators from each state regardless of population, while the House of Representatives is apportioned by state population.

What was the great compromise and who proposed it?

Roger Sherman,the compromise prosed that state voting would be based on equal representation and population,2 senators and the house of represenatives.

How Under the Great Compromise how would the number of representatives in the Senate be determined?

based on a state's population <3

How would the number of representatives in the Senate be determined under the great compromise?

based on a state's population <3

Which compromise determined how slaves would be counted in a state's population?

the slaves would be counted by THREE FIFTHS.....................................