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they were still slaves and had to be returned

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Q: How did the US government treat blacks who had escaped from slavery?
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Who was the person that stopped slavery continuing?

Well that is hard to answer because as you can imagine it took lots of dedicated people to finally stop slavery. But even after slavery was put to an end people would still treat blacks bad.

Did blacks have whit or black doctors?

I believe that only asians were permitted to treat blacks in the time when blacks existed

What ways did the KKK treat blacks?

very very good(:

How did Genghis Khan treat his enemies?

Killed them or sold them into slavery.

How did the British treat Indians and Africans as far as slavery?

The British outlawed slavery with the Slave Trade Act of 1807.

How does the government treat the people in austrlia?

hello they treat them fairly

Why were blacks and whites seperated?

Blacks and whites were segregated because in the years before segregation, slavery had been going on for centuries and centuries. Later on government/congress decided that they would remove slavery, and instead make a process which separated colored people from white people called segregation. These laws were called Jim Crow Laws. So in conclusion, blacks and whites were segregated because whites still wanted a way to treat colored people differently than they would to others without fully taking away slavery, and made a process called segregation.Definition of segregation: Where 2 different people for many reasons are separated.Definition of slavery: When one group of people are able to own others as property and force them to work without pay.

Why did slavery end in Canada?

Africans got more rights and people realized that slavery was not a good way to treat fellow humans.

'Although the Constitution abolished slavery more than a century ago slavery still exists in the world today'?

There are other countries that do have slavery but they do not treat it like we did back then! =D

Why were blacks so mistreated before the civil rights movement?

They were different because they were Black. The whites especially in the south resented not being able to carry on their culture of slavery, the freed slaved competed with the whites for work which lead to resentment. If those that had the power were to treat the blacks as humans they would be put in a position where they would have to treat them more fairly in the marketplace. So it all boiled down to pleasing the majority white population and still maintaining a cheap labor force by pretending they were not really proper human beings.

Why was it right for whites to beat blacks and treat them unfairly?

It wasn't right, not at all. It all started because African Americans were once slaves, and when the U.S. got rid of slavery, some people did not like that. So in return, they still treated African American people very badly.

Why did people not like slavery?

Because it is wrong to treat people that way. Everyone is the same.