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By creating laws for the people of the United States to abide by.

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Q: How did the declaration of independence change the relationship between Britain and the colonists?
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Related questions

Why was the declaration independence needed?

The Declaration of Independence was needed to stated the colonists independence from Britain and to make laws for the colonists government.

How did the declaration of independence reflect the colonists ideas about government?

The Declaration of Independence was the document which declared independence of the colonists from Great Britain, making their independence "official."

What step showed the colonists final decision regarding their relationship with Britain?

The colonists in America made their final decision regarding their relationship with Britain on July 4, 1776 when they formally declared their independence from their mother country. After the Declaration of Independence was unanimously ratified by Congress, the thirteen colonies were committed to their war of independence from Britain.

Who was the US separating themselves from in the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was created to free the American colonists from the authority of Britain.

How did the colonists justify ending their political ties to Britain?

declaration of independence

How does the Declaration of Independence justify the colonial war against England?

The Declaration of Independence lists 27 grievances against Britain which are the colonists grounds for Independence

The bulk of the Declaration of Independence is?

a list of the colonists' grievances against Great Britain's king

What was the purpose of the declaration o independence?

The Declaration of Independence was like an announcement to other nations. It explained to them why the colonists felt the need to break from Great Britain.

Does America meet the promise of the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence only declared the independence of the American colonists from Britain, so yes, they did meet that promise. I think you are thinking of the Constitution.

What were the causes and consequences of the American Declaration of Independence of 1776?

The cause of the Declaration of Independence was the laws and taxes that Britain forced on the colonies. The declaration listed the complaints of the colonists, and declared independence from England. The result was the American War of Independence, in which America was victorious.

What document did the colonists issue in 1776 when they felt their right as englishmen had been violated?

In 1776, the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence. The document explained the colonists' reasons for severing their political ties with Great Britain.

What. does. the. declaration of independence say about Britain?

The Declaration of Independence said that Britain and their king abused the rights of the American colonists. It listed the charges against the king including his abuse of power and imposing taxes on them without their consent.