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It is because of the Social Contract that john Locke wrote that allowed America to justify breaking away from England.

Enlightenment Ideas in the US Government:

  • Equality
  • religious tolerance
  • freedom of speech
  • separation of powers
  • protecting natural rights (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, property)
  • rise up against tyranny/breaking bonds with England
  • people giving power to government
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Bcause they just did. :0

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Q: How did Enlightenment ideas influence the development of democracy in the US?
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Democracy used beliefs based on reasoning and ideas used during the Enlightenment.

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the development of the American revolution?

It rejected traditional social, religious, and political values.

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the Colonists?

The US Constitution is considered a typical example of enlightenment ideas.

What best describes the enlightenment's impact on democracy?

The Enlightenment had a significant impact on democracy by promoting ideas such as individual rights, popular sovereignty, and the rule of law. Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu influenced the development of democratic principles, challenging the divine right of kings and emphasizing the consent of the governed. Their ideas laid the foundation for the establishment of modern democratic systems.

What Enlightenment ideas influenced colonists?

The Enlightenment was a major influence on the political ideas of the colonists who pushed for independence from Great Britain

Hiw did the ideas of the enlightenment influence the art?

Of the enlightenment just influenced the art - foreal?

How did enlightenment ideas influence society and culture?

The people have rights

After enlightenment ideas spread how did the purpose of government change?

The transmission of Enlightenment ideas to Greek thought influenced the development of a national consciousness.

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the french?

How the Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution was by challenging the monarchy and the wealthiest classes .

How did the enlightenment influenced the arts?

How did the ideas of the enlightenment influence the arts? agriculture became simpler and more graceful

Enlightenment ideas influence the bill of rights?

enlightenment ideas greatly influenced the bill of rights, dec. of independence constitution and most of our other important documents. without the enlightenment ideas, our country would not be the same as it is now, if it existed at all. some ideas that were influential in our country are:-the rights to life and liberty-freedom of speech-freedom of religion-freedom of thought-democracy-"we the people"and many others. our country has been influenced by the enlightenment and it's ideas greatly.

How did the ideas of the enlightenment influence?

Architecture became simpler and more graceful