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The Gestapo did not kidnap Jewish people, they were rarely involved in Jewish affairs.

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Q: How did the gestapo kidnap Jewish people?
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Related questions

What requirements were needed to be a gestapo?

The main requirement needed to be in the Gestapo was being a non-Jewish German. You also needed to believe in the Gestapo and agree with that way of thinking to join the Gestapo.

What qualifications were needed to be in the Gestapo?

you needed to be a non Jewish German, you needed to hate every non gestapo person and you needed to be stupid enough to be a gestapo

Who is the head of the gestapo section for Jewish affairs?

adolf eichmann xD FOR REALZZ

How did Jewish people in hiding during the Holocaust get caught?

They were usually discovered by being betrayed by their neighbors, just as Anne Frank and her family was tipped off to the Gestapo by a burglar one night. Sometimes they were found through the routinely checks by Gestapo officials.

What role did Gestapo play in Jewish persecution?

The Gestapo were the Nazi German Secret Police. The unit was responsible for monitering and polciing anti-regime activity within the reich.

Why did people fear the gestapo?

because the Gestapo had almost unlimited powers and almost no accountability.

Is it illegal to kidnap people?

Yes it's VERY illegal to kidnap your own species.

Chief of the Jewish Office of the Gestapo was responsible for deporting as many as three million people to concentration and death camps was tried and executed in Israel in the 1960's?

Adolph Eichmann.

Who was the head of the Gestapo section for Jewish affairs?

There were three directors of the Gestapo. The first was Rudolf Diels. He was replaced by Reinhard "Butcher of Prague" Heydrich from 1934 until 1939. The last director of the Gestapo was Heinrich Mueller from 1939 until the end of World War II. Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Schutzstaffel, or SS, which was the organization which oversaw the Gestapo.

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What is a sentence using the word gestapo?

The Gestapo captured the Jewish family and took them back to the concentration camp. After World War II, many members of the Gestapo changed their names to avoid prosecution as war criminals. As a secret police force, the Gestapo was involved in any number of political and counter-espionage activities. Anna Frank and her family hid from the Gestapo for over two years before finally being betrayed and sent to a concentration camp.

Hitler's secret police was called?

the gestapo