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the caudillos established social programs to aid rising unempolyment.

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Q: How did the great depression contribute to the rise to power of caudillos?
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How did the great depression contribute to the rise to power caudillos?

the caudillos established social programs to aid rising unempolyment.

How did European dictators take advantage of the Great Depression to gain power?

They promised to bring them out of the Great Depression.

Would the Nazis have gained power without the Great Depression?

The consensus among historians is that without the Great Depression the Nazis would not have come to power.

What is the definition of caudillos?

caudillos is spanish for a political military leader at the head of an authoritarian power

Who was the president in power during the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was President when the Great Depression began. Franklin Roosevelt was President when the Depression ended.

Why did caudillos rise power in south America?

The caudillos were notable for their fierce control of power and unquestioning loyalty to the U.S policy.

Who were the caudillos?

Many Latin American army leaders had gained fame and power during their long struggle for independence. And they controlled the new nations as military dictators, caudillos.

Is balance of power and alliances relate to Great Depression during world war 2?

The great depression of the 1930's influenced the power and alliances of the nations involved in WW2.

What was a mission as it applies to the great depression?

For the economy to regain its power.

How were Latin America caudillos able to achieve power and hold on to it?

They were able to hold on to power because they were backed by the military.

What dictator came to power at the beginning of the Great Depression?

Bill Cosby

Who had power in the US during the great depression?

Herbert Hoover was president.