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Q: How did the muscles in your legs and thighs move when you bend your knees?
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How do you pick up carry heavy loads from the floor?

Never bend from the waist. Instead, bend your knees and stoop; lift with your thighs and legs, keeping the load close to your body.

Have sheep got knees?

They're not really called knees, but yes, they are on the front legs, they bend like our knees, and the back legs bend like our elbows. :) hope i helped

Which parts of the legs need the most oxygen when running?

Knees, feet, and thighs

Why are African American's knees black?

African American's knees are black to match the skin on their thighs and lower legs much like the knees of European American's, having white knees that also match the skin of their legs.

Why do people laugh at your knock knees?

They laugh at them because legs are supposed to be straight, and only straight legs are considered aesthetically appealing. Knees aren't supposed to bend inwards. Some say that strengthening your hamstrings, or the back muscles of the thigh, will relieve some of the pain in the knee due to 'knock knees'.

Actions of the bones and muscles involved in the execution of a leg extension?

The knees is known as a hinge joint, as it can only bend in on direction when it's bent. while the knees is bending the muscles in the leg are expanding creating a wider stride, when the legs comes back the muscle contracts.

How does a flamingos walk?

they bend their knees and you can see the falmingos legs bending.

Whare are a crickets ears found?

They have ears on their "knees" or where they bend their hind legs.

Why cant you bend your knees backward?

Your knees don't bend backward because of where the joint stops. This is necessary to keep the legs sturdy, and the person standing up straight, and not falling.

Why do people bend legs when landing from a height?

You bend your knees on landing in order to prevent from breaking a bone. Your feet have arches that act as a shock absorber. But falling from great heights require something to slow down your body. As you land, you bend your knees and allow the muscles to slow down your speed. If not, your bone would take all the force and break. I hope that is your answer.

How do you strengthen your thigh muscles?

Squats target your thighs and gluts. Whether standing still or lunging these are great for building powerful thigh muscles. Sprinting also helps build your quads. (Ever check out the legs of any sprinters?)... :) hot! In college to strengthen my quads and therefore protect my knees, our trainer had me stand on a thick book or step with one leg and simply lower and raise my body without requiring me to bend my other leg. This is a nice way to begin building that muscle if you should have weaker knees. Lunges can be painful for someone that has bad knees...

Bent knee curl ups?

You hang upside down from a bar with your legs over the bar supporting you. You then bend at the waist, raising you elbows to your knees. Do this several times, it is meant to strengthen the abdominal muscles.