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Q: How did the united stats defeat the blockade set up in Berlin by the Soviets?
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How did President Truman's handling of the blockade lead to greater Cold War tensions?

President Trumanâ??s handling of the blockade lead to greater Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Truman supported an air campaign to supply West Berlin while the Soviets were holding a blockade against Berlin by preventing supplies entering by rail or by truck. The air campaign reasserted the United States and the other Alliesâ?? resolve to not let all of Berlin fall into the hands of the communist Soviets.

When the Soviets blockaded Berlin in hopes of driving their former allies out how did the Americans and British respond?

The U.S response to the Soviet blockade was sending srms to Berlin by planes, therefor allowing them to fight back. The United States along with Britain and other countries send food, supplies, etc. They had continued this for about a year.

The Berlin airlift was president trumanns response to what?

The Berlin Airlift was in reaction to the Berlin Blockade. The United States and allies delivered supplies to West Berlin.

How was the Berlin blockade. Related to the cold war?

It was a nonviolent conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was an attempt to put Berlin under Communist control. It was an attempt by the United States to contain Communism.

How was the Berlin blockade related to to the cold war?

It was a nonviolent conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was an attempt to put Berlin under Communist control. It was an attempt by the United States to contain Communism.

In order the break the soviets blockade against west berlin in 1948 the us and Great Britain did what?

The United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and, eventually France. In which they were to accept the surrender of Nazi forces and restore order. This would stand as a bulwark against Soviet expansion into Western Europe. On June 22, 1948, negotiations between the Soviets, Americans, and British broke down.

What is the term for the Soviet response to the Marshall plan in which Russia said eastern European countries could not accept aid from the United states?

the berlin blockade

Who aided the taliban during the soviet war?

The united states and her allies gave weapons to the taliban to end communism in and help them defeat the soviets.

What countires were involved in the Berlin airlift?

The Berlin Airlift was the US program to remain influential in West Berlin, Germany in response to the Soviet embargo - blocking incoming goods from West Germany to West Berlin. The airlift provided necessary goods and supplies to the residents of the city for two years, until the Soviets rescinded the trade barrier. People involved could be directly the Germans of West Berlin, the Soviets, and the Americans (specifically Harry Truman, the President at the time who gave support to the airlift).

Why were the United state's actions against the soviet union in the Berlin blockade considered part of the cold war?

The berlin airlift where the u.s. provided food and resources to anyone who wanted cummunism out of there country and give these things through aerial tactics

What was the Berlin blockade and why was it used?

During the Cold War, the nation of Germany was divided into West Germany, which was a democratic nation allied to NATO, and East Germany, which was a communist nation controlled by the USSR. The city of Berlin was also divided into east and west sections, but by an odd twist of fate or geography, West Berlin was inside East Germany. In the early 1960's, the USSR decided to cut off the flow of traffic and commerce from West Berlin to the rest of West Germany. Their intention was to force the surrender of West Berlin by non-violent means, so that they could incorporate it into East Germany (which would then include all of Berlin). While they might have simply invaded West Berlin, that could easily have resulted in WW III, and the USSR was always cautious about that, since nuclear war would have been ridiculously destructive and very likely would have resulted in the extinction of the human race. As it turned out, President Kennedy was not willing to surrender West Berlin, and he arranged an airlift of supplies, to defeat the Soviet blockade, and so West Berlin never did surrender. The blockade failed. Now, of course, the Cold War is over and Germany is re-united.

Reason us policymakers viewed USSR a threat?

At the end of World War II, American leaders saw the power and ambitions of the Soviet Union as a threat to our national security. The Cold War was a war of words and ideologies rather than a shooting war, although at times the Cold War turned “hot” as in Korea and Vietnam. Basically, the Cold War was a rivalry between the United States as leader of the western democracies, and the Soviet Union and the nations that were controlled by the communists. Some causes of the Cold War included: Attempts by the Soviets and Chinese Communists to influence and take over areas in Asia and Europe. The division of Germany after the war---The Soviets blockaded West Berlin, which was deep within Communist East Germany. The Soviets thought the blockade would allow them to take over all of Berlin. The US replied with the Berlin Airlift, to supply West Berlin. September, 1949, the Soviet Union tested its first Atomic Bomb.