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Q: How did this Adam smith ideas spread Or how did people find out about the Adam smith ideas?
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What influenced Adam smith?

Influential ideas he was against: mercantilism, physiocracy, and imperialism. Influential people: David Hume, Aristotle

What are the main ideas Adam smith?

the main ideas of smith was the political economy that an invisible hand guided all what money or business involved

The 1917 Russian Revolution was influenced by the ideas of Adam Smith?


What were the basic ideas of Adam smith?

Adam Smith had a lot of basic capitalist ideas, like the invisible hand. He also stated that supply and demand would always fluctuate until they reached an equilibrium.

What are the ideas of Adam smith?

Adam Smith believed that entrepenaurs should be allowed to practice business without government interference. (laissez-faire, The Wealth of Nations)

Adam Smith ideas serve as the basis for what type of economic system?


The ideas of Adam smith helped bring about?

less government regulation of business

Which country follows the ideas of Adam smith?

All the developed countries of the world...

What was Adam Smith's ideas serve as the basis for what type of economic system?


How do Adam Smith's ideas fit in with the ideas of other enlightenment thinkers?

Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Adam Smith is best known for two classic works: The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776).

Who was Adam simth in the enlightenment?

Adam Smith's book "A Wealth of Nations" set the stage for the rise and spread of capitalism in the 20th century.

How are Adam smith's ideas evident in our economy today?

all of Smith's ideas contributed in the American economy which lead to the increase of the productivity and output, it also increased the competitions in the market.