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I think you want to hear the words "I love you" from him and you're not taking the hint. If he says no, then he means no. Sorry about that, but it's the truth. Either remain friends or move on and start dating other guys.

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17y ago
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14y ago

I'm not being bad but you know that he meant it. You are asking because you are in denial and you don't want it to be true. You want an answer that you have decided already that you need but I'm sorry I can't do that to you. If he doesn't love you, you don't need him. Don't waste your time thinking about him; go and find someone else who will tell you that they love you.

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12y ago

if the guy doesn't like you then he wont see you as much or talk to you,if he likes you he will txt you a lot usually asking personaly question or trying to get him to like you

peace out: hope i helpeed

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13y ago

When people lie the body language gives them away. One of the biggest clues is with the eyes. When a person lies the eyes shift down or to the side and they will not look at you. Watch his body position if he pulls away or keeps a fairly large gap he is not telling you the truth. Finally, trust your instincts and listen to the voice in your head.

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14y ago

If he actually likes you but he says he doesn't, that means either he doesn't want to like you or he doesn't know. In both cases you can tell his real feelings from unconscious actions such as his general behavious around you and towards you, his reaction when you get close to him physically etc.

If he's very eager to show you he doesn't like you though, it might be really hard. You may want to ask his friends or other people who know him how he talks about you.

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13y ago

When he adverts eye contact or licks his lips a lot. He may also sound like he's trying to hard or over doing the lie.

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16y ago

for most guys you can tell that they are lying by looking into their eyes and that will give it away

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Q: How can you tell if a guy is lying if he claims that he loves you but also claims that he likes you but has never told you that he loves you or likes you?
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