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If you want to know the signs of Asthma, here they are: coughing, especially at night, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, pain, or pressure. These are all signs that could be asthma.

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Q: How do I look out for asthma in others?
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What steriod is used in rheumatoid arthritis and asthma?

(prednisone, prednisolone, and others)

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Can giving asthma medication to a non asthmatic cause harm?

Well I have asthma and I have been told to never give my medication to others. This is prescribed medication and its illegal to give to others. It can cause harm to their lungs. If this person had a time where they lost their breath and couldn't breath, consult a doctor.

Why asthma and other illnesses are associated with sport?

Asthma is a respiratory condition which causes your airways to swell and constrict, making it difficult or impossible to breath. It is triggered by allergies or physical activity (i.e. sports) so it makes us with asthma unable to play sports as easily as others

What are comorbid conditions that may accompany asthma?

Co morbid conditions that accompany asthma are COPD, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchietasis, obesity, chronic sinus disease and GERD. I am sure there are others as well.

What is lung ailment?

Examples of lung ailments included Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer and many others.

How do you look after your lungs?

Try not to smoke, breathe regulary and if you have asthma don't go scuba diving.

What is asthma in Arabic?

asthma is called (Rabbo) in Arabic and it writes (asthma = ربو ) or (the asthma = الربو )

Is Asthma related to heart malfunctions?

I've been reading everywhere about the same topic and what I've found: no, asthma does not affect the heart in any way. Before accepting this, make sure you get the same answer from a few others to be safe.

What signs do I need to look for that say I may have asthma?

As an asthma sufferer from childhood I am aware that there are many signs of asthma, ranging from a tight feeling in the chest and breathlessness to wheezing and inability to breath which is leading to a full blown asthma attack. If you are getting breathless on exertion in excess of what is usual for your fitness level it is important to seek medical opinions rather than online help as asthma is a life threatening disease if not controlled well.

How does asthma progress?

This is actually an individual occurence. In some it will eventually go away, others it stays the same, and then others it will become worse.