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Aphids produce honeydew,and ants use it as a source of energy to them, and

in exchange they provide protection against aphids predators.

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12y ago

The ants love the honeydew that aphids secrete. In return for honeydew, the ants protect the aphids from predators such as ladybugs.

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When umbrella ants and fungi help each other?

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How do ants survive?

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Do ants help Earth?

Yes, and in many ways. Ants are irreplaceable in contributing to soil turning, helping with water infiltration, organic matter concentration, and aeration of the soil. Ants are also a big help in pollinating many plants, and help plants (such as peonies) to bloom by eating off the waxy casing from their buds.One odd thing about ants is that they herd aphids as people do cattle. Ants keep aphids in or near their nest. As the aphids feed they produce amino acids or (honeydew) that is secreted from their anus. The ants then milk it from them for food. In return the ants protect them from most predators. Even fighting to defend them.And yet they're such a pain in the butt!

What happens if you eat an aphid?

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I dont know if aphids have pincers. Please help me. I'm working at school and I need ANSWERS!

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Yes, planting chives in the garden helps get rid of aphids.Specifically, aphids disdain strongly aromatic plants. Alliums such as chives, garlic, leeks, onions and shallots fit the bill. They will be repugnant to such unlikeable pests as aphids, carrot flies, fruit tree borers, and weevils. They will limit the growth of the gardener's beans and peas - which therefore should not be planted companionably nearby - but protect roses from ants.

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You can help each other in away that the other person needs. This will help you both know about each other more.

How are ants helpful?

Ants can help each other by working together, helping the struggling ones, and many other ways too. They help each other in many ways, but usually they die in about 6/7 months, when after the queen would already be borning new babies.

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Do ladybugs eat cranberrys?

Better known as "Ladybirds" in the UK, they eat aphids (greenfly) and are a great help to gardeners.

Do ants help your environment?

Yes, ants help aerate the soil and clean up the forest floor. They also help with pollination.

How do ants work together?

chemical signals transferred through there antanae allows them to communicate