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Movements and scents are ways in which bees tell each other where flowers are. The insects in question (Apis spp) leave distinct scents on the preferred flower. They tell hive mates where the flower is located by body and leg movements and by look and smell of transported nectar and pollen.

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9y ago
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14y ago

By a series of movements called the 'Waggle Dance'. The bee runs around in different ways within an area of the hive and depending on which way it moves, can let the other bees know the distance and direction of a source of nectar that it has found.

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10y ago

They do a 'waggle dance'. A returning bee shakes it's body, and walks in a figure-of-eight pattern. The speed of the 'dance' and the direction of the dance pattern tells the others where the flowers are.

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13y ago

Turn off. Those bees dance around looking for yummy pollen, nectar, honey, and god. FLOWERS! Pollination!

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Q: How do the worker bees tell other bees where food is?
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they are alerting the other bees that they are under attack.

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Because the queen is the only female in the colony that lays eggs she has highly developed ovaries which fill, and even enlarge, the abdomen, so the queen is usually larger than the other bees in the colony. In the case of honey bees, the queen's abdomen is about half as long again as that of a worker (sterile female).

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its none of your bees wax its none of your bees wax its none of your bees wax

How can tell bumble bees from carpenter bees?

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