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They can easily fit out the entrance hole.

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Q: Where do bluebirds nest after they fledged their young?
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Do bluebirds use sticks to build their nest?

Bluebirds sometimes build more than one nest, as a diversion to predators.

Do bluebirds nest in trees?

They will nest in tree cavities.

I have bluebirds in my Martin house Is this common?

Not usually, bluebirds normally nest closer to the ground than martins.

Do bluebirds use the same nest for their second brood?

No. They make a new one for each brood but if you take out the old nest after the young have left the nest they may make a new in that birdhouse.

What kind of nest do bluebirds prefer?

Wrens, bluebirds and tree swallows are the birds most commonly attracted to single-unit, enclosed bird houses. Each species prefers certain locations and habitats in which to nest and rear its young. Your welcome

What do bluebirds like to do?

Bluebirds spend much of their time foraging for food. When they have babies in the nest, they spend much of their time caring for them.

When do Eastern bluebirds begin to nest?

From March to June. In the south, they nest earlier, and may raise two broods.

How do you get rid of birds nesting outside of your house?

Destroy the nest after the young have fledged. Do not, however, disturb the eggs or young of any native species, because they are protected by law. Only non native species like starlings or house sparrows can have an active nest removed.

Should you remove the nest if bluebirds have abandoned their eggs?

Yes, then clean the box.

How long do birds care for there young?

For about 8 weeks, ( 50 - 60 days ) then the young are fully fledged.

What issues do bluebirds have?

Sometimes bluebirds face competition with other birds over nesting sites. Another problem bluebirds have is a lack of natural habitat. In areas that are more developed there are less natural cavities for them to nest in.

Where are all baby pigeons?

They stay in the nest until they are ready to fly. That's why you never see baby pigeons unless you have a loft.