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Budgies which are getting close to laying an egg become more lively, excitable and playful. If they have a nesting box, they will spend a lot more time in the box, preparing it for nesting, and possibly being very protective of that area. If there is a male, he may start feeding the female.

Budgies look the same when they are laying eggs as when they aren't. In other words, birds don't "hold" their eggs inside their bodies and show a big belly to indicate that eggs are on the way. The egg shell is the last thing that develops right before the egg is laid, therefore, a hen doesn't "show" in the sense that human women "show" when they are pregnant.

Swelling in the abdominal area could also mean the parrot is egg-bound, though this tends to present more as swelling near the bird's tail, near the cloacae. She will be distressed and show signs of constipation, be reluctant to move and "waddle" like a penguin. If your bird shows signs of being egg-bound, she must be taken to the vet as soon as possible, as this can be a life-threatening condition.

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Q: How do budgies behave when they are ready to breed?
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Did Roald Dahl breed budgies?

Yes, Roald Dahl did breed budgies. He bred and raised budgerigars (parakeets) as a hobby. Dahl was known to be very fond of animals and had a variety of pets throughout his life.

Can budgies breed with their brothers or sisters?

yes you can but it can harm the babies

If baby budgies turn into girls will they breed with their dad?

Possibly if they are kept in the same cage and offered a nesting box, but usually budgies are monogamous.

How many times do budgies breed a year?

budgie's will typically breed themselves to death.. if you let them. but because of the amount of calcium the hens ( female budgies) lose when you breed them you should NOT let them have more than TWO CLUTCHES a YEAR, if you do it can cause problems with egg laying.

When do budgies stop being able to breed My Male is 10 and my female about 6 but they have recently started to act very flirtatiously around each other?

Budgies don't stop being able to breed. If you don't want them to breed I would recommend putting them in separate cages.

When is a bull ready to breed?

Bulls are ready to breed anytime. A young bull is expected to be ready to breed by the time he's around 10 to 12 months old.

Should I let my budgies breed?

dont ask that again cause it sounds wrong and i dont know

How do tabby cats behave?

Tabbies are not a breed, they are a fur color.

Why does my pair of budgies always go in the nest box when there are no eggs?

This is typical pre-nesting behaviour. The budgies, in particular the female, are preparing the nesting box for nesting. Some pairs of budgies never successfully breed, but they still display all the signs and behaviour of wanting to nest.

How can you tell if your Bettas are ready to breed?

if their full grown they are ready.

Can chickens be housed with budgies?

If you want to breed budgies no because if they fall from the nest the chickens will kill them the same sometimes happens with adults so it is best not to even if you're not breeding