

How do calves process milk in their bodies?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Calves have a fold in front of the reticulum that is activated when the calf is positioned to ingest milk; this fold forms a tube that becomes a temporary extension of the esophagus, allowing the milk to flow through this "esophageal groove" by-passing the rumen completely and emptying into the abomasum, the true stomach of cattle. Digestion of milk in the abomasum instead of the rumen is critical to the health and growth of the calf. Nature makes sure milk goes into the abomasum even after the rumen is fully developed. Calves process milk in their true stomach much like any monogastric does, which digests the milk giving them the protein and nutrients they need for their growing bodies. Most calves start eating forage by their first week, and are chewing their cud by the time they are 2 weeks old. Their rumen fully matures when they reach 3 months of age.

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Calves suckle from their mother's udder, which is the organ where milk is generated and obtained by the calf or the milk machine (if the cow's a dairy cow).

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Breeding dairy cows produces calves which subsequently makes them produce more milk in the next production year. Calves are also raised as replacements (if they are heifers) for the other cows, as these calves have been selected, through the process of sire selection, for giving more milk per year when they mature into cows.

Do calves drink milk?

As long as the milk is straight from the cow, not the stuff that has been modified by humans (i.e., milk that has undergone pasteurization). Calves are best put with a nurse cow than if they were bottle fed.

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its mother milk

What do young calves do?

Play, suckle milk, and sleep.

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What all do cows produce?

If bred, milk and baby calves.

What two items do cows give their calves?

TLC and milk.

Why are some calves called bobby calves?

Bobby calves are those calves that are meant to be slaughtered when they're only a few days old. These comprise of mostly dairy calves that are not needed or culled from the milk cow herd and are used for veal meat.