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You inhale them in with oxygen and other things in the air like water vapor or dust

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Q: How do carbon dioxide and nitrogen wastes get into your body?
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Is nitrogen used by the body?

it goes through your body and comes out as carbon dioxide. trees use the carbon dioxide to make more nitrogen that you breathe again.

What long term effects does not having enough carbon dioxide have on the body?

When the body doesn't have enough carbon dioxide in the blood, blood vessels will constrict. This is a long-term effect of having low levels of carbon dioxide.

What is the human body mostly made of a carbon oxygen nitrogen and hydrogen b oxygen calcium carbon and hydrogen c hydrogen iron nitrogen and oxygen?

The human body is made up of only mostly carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. The top four elements are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, so that would be a. on your list.

How is the movement of oxygen in the body similar to and different to the movement of carbon dioxide?

So the movement of oxygen in the body is different to the movement of carbon dioxide as while oxygen enters the red blood cells during this movement the carbon dioxide stays out. It stays in the plasma. Also for the movement of carbon dioxide to happen oxygen is needed. Its a product of aerobic respiration. The movement of oxygen in the body is similar to the movement of carbon dioxide as both processes require respiration and pass through the walls of the capillaries.

Why does your body make more carbon dioxide when you run than when you sit down?

Carbon dioxide is the end product of the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats, etc., ie food. When you are using your muscles you are using more energy so you turn more "food" into carbon dioxide, which leaves your body through your lungs.

Related questions

What are the 2 wastes the body must get rid of?

Carbon dioxide and urea

What are 2 wastes that the body must get rid of?

Carbon dioxide and urea

What carries carbon dioxide wastes away from the cells of the body?

Red blood cells carry most carbon dioxide wastes away from the cells of the body.

What are three substances that the excretory system removes-from the body?

Three substances are water, nitrogen, and access salts.

When carbon dioxide and other cellular wastes leave the body they are carried by?

the air

What are 3 wastes that the body wants to get rid of?

Feces, urine, and carbon dioxide.

What are two wastes that the body must get rid of?

Carbon dioxide and urea

What wastes come out of your body daily?

carbon dioxide is one moisture is another one

What 3 types of gas in a humans body?

nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide

What are four wastes produce of your body?

Carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen compounds, and salt! ~Love Always, Sarah Irene [ :

What wastes do the body cells produce when they burn?

Carbon dioxide and water are the final results of cellular metabolization.

What molecules build your body?

the molecules that build up your body are: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen