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The mass of reactants is equal to the mass of products.

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Q: How do chemical equations relate to conservation of mass?
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Related questions

How does balancing equations relate to the conservation of mass and how was the law verified?

The mass of reactants is equal to the mass of products.

Balanced chemical equations demonstrate?

the law of conservation of mass.

What law is Balancing Chemical equations is a result of?

The conservation of mass

Is chemical equations required to be balanced?

Yes, chemical equations must be balanced due to the law of conservation of matter/mass.

Which law physical science must be followed when balancing chemical equations?

the law of conservation of mass

What are chemical equations based on?

They are based on the chemical composition of reactants and products; law of mass conservation.

How would you use the word conservation of mass in a sentence?

The Law of Conservation of Mass means that chemical reaction equations must be balanced, otherwise you have lost or gained matter out of nowhere.

How is the law of conservation of mass proved through chemical equations?

Any chemical reaction is correctly writted only if respect this law. The mass of reactants is equal to the mass of products.

Why chemical equations need to be balanced according to the law of the conservation of mass?

becasuse atoms are never gained or lost in a chemical reaction

How does the law of conservation of mass and how it relates to the chemical equations?

A short answer is: the mass of reactants is equal to the mass of products. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but only transformed.

What do you do to determine whether or not a chemical equation demonstrates the law of conservation of mass?

All properly solved chemical equations demonstrate the law of conservation of mass by having the same number of atoms on both sides, showing that no atoms were created or destroyed in the chemical reaction.

What is true of the total mass of reactants compared to the total mass of products?

The two are equal. The Law of Conservation of Mass state that in a chemical reaction matter is neither created nor destroyed. That is the whole point of balancing chemical equations.