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If you have too much baking powder, the muffin will look and taste different. If you have too little baking powder, the muffin will be all flat and taste different.

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Q: How do different amounts of baking powder affect a recipe?
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Related questions

How does baking powder affect or relate to baking products?

it helps make a cake!

How does baking powder affect density?

Baking powder reduces density. The action of the baking powder produces gas that causes the product to rise, making the dough or batter less dense.

Does baking powder affect a muffin recipe?


How can you bake a cake with baking powder and another one with out baking powder?

While possible, you will have to different cakes. In texture and height.

What is the difference between cooking soda and baking soda?

There isn't one. Bread Soda is the Irish name for baking soda.

Is baking powder used in baking soda?

Baking powder is not the same as baking soda. Baking powder is a 1:3 ratio of baking soda to cream of tartar, which are both raising agents designed for different purposes - one of them is activated by water, the other by heat. Baking soda is "strong" compared to baking powder, and is not a direct substitute for baking powder.

What produces more carbon dioxide when mixed with vinegar baking soda or baking powder?

If one is working with equal amounts, baking soda might produce more carbon dioxide when mixed with vinegar, because baking powder is already combined with an acidic ingredient.

How much baking powder is needed for 3 cups of cake flour?

The amount of baking powder required depends entirely on what you intend to bake. Different types of cookies, muffins and other baked goods require different proportions of baking powder to flour.

What would you put baking soda in?

Baking soda is a leavening agent and is used in many different types of baked goods. Many cookie recipes call for baking soda rather than baking powder. Recipe's such as Red Velvet Cake and some chocolate cakes also call for baking soda, some along with baking powder, some as the only leavening agent. Baking soda combined with equal amounts of cornstarch and twice as much cream of tartar can be used to replace baking powder. Use about one-quarter the amount of baking soda as the recipe calls for baking powder, and then scale the corn starch and cream of tartar accordingly.

Can you substitute baking powder fot cream of tartar?

yes In most cases, no. Baking power includes baking soda along with cream of tartar (or other ingredients,) and has a different affect in batter than cream of tartar, which is primarily a stabilizer.

Why can you substitute baking powder for baking soda in quick breads but not baking soda for baking powder?

Baking soda is used when there is an acidic ingredient in the recipe. For example, molasses, buttermilk, chocolate. Please note that baking is like a chemical experiment and ingredients and amounts especially leavening need to be exact to have the recipe work.

What is a fine powder that you put in baking?

Baking Powder