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It depends. When a dog smells it is trying to gather information on where the other dog/person has been. I can tell you for a fact that when I come home from work (a veterinary clinic) my dogs won't leave me alone until I change. But still they can not decipher on what sex of animals you have been near unless say the female dog was in heat. If you happen to get some of that female's urine/ other bodily secretions then YES! a male dog will be able to tell you have been near a female, but if the female is spayed for instance, then all the male will be able to tell is that it is another dog, not necessarily if it's a female or male.

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Dogs, like most animals, have scents. If you pet a dog, that scent has been rubbed off on you. Dogs have a very acute sense of smell, and will thus pick up the odor of a foreign animal.

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Q: Can a male dog smell a female dog on another dog?
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Can a male dog find a female dog in heat from a far distant?

Yes by smell

How does a male dog know when a female is in heat?

Two male dogs will compete for a female in heat because they want the right to mate with her. They will often fight to the death to make sure the other dog does not father the puppies. When a female is in heat, the males will become agitated when they see another male dog.

Why would a male dog sniff a female dog and then bite her?

If the biting happens, the male may be aggressive, or the female has a scent of another dog that he doesn't like. It could also be an indication that the male likes the female.

Will a male inside dog whine if he knows there is ha female in heat?

Dogs whine for a lot of reasons. This could be one of them. Dogs can tell by the smell when another dog is in estrus, so an intact male dog might very well whine to get out to visit a nearby female in heat. A neutered male probably won't care much.

If a female dog is with another male dog will they mate even if the female is not on heat?

Most females will only allow a male to mount them if they are in heat as this is the time when they are most fertile. Although some females will allow a dog to mate them whilst they are not in heat, there is less chance of the female getting pregnant.

What is the undesired behavior for a male dog in heat?

Male dogs don't get in heat, but if they smell a female in heat they can get real frantic in their effort to get to her.

What causes a male dog to get hung to a female dog during intewrcourse?

Female dogs give out a scent when they are in heed. Heed is when a female is in a position were that is the only time they can mate. So they have a scent that the Male dogs can smell that scent. Also it is in their Urine.

Why would a male dog cock his leg and pee on a female dog?

They can smell other dogs that marked their smell onto the area. It is like a human would discover a new land and they would want to put a mark so other people can know that they were on that land. :):):):):):):)

Do female dogs like male or female dogs better?

Well if your going to get another dog, you should always get the dog of the different sex. They get along better. A female and a female or a male and a male may get competative over each other. Hope this helps!!! : )

To find your female dog a male dog to breed she is a shishitzu?

if your asking how to find a male dog for your female dog then your gonna have to wait until your female dog is in heat then automatically the male dog will be attracted to the female and they will mate

What are male and female dogs?

A Male dog is called a Dog, and a Female dog is called a Bitch.

Can you take your dog for a walk when it is in season?

if its a male yes just watch out for a male and female dog or your male will fight with the other male to get the female. if its a female just steer clear of male dogs or the male dog may attack the owner or the walker to get to the female dog