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every word doesn't have their own meanings... their meanings depend on how the people interpret them...the authors choose the words they use in order to inform the true meaning of their poems...

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1mo ago

Poetic elements such as imagery, symbolism, tone, and figurative language can significantly impact the meaning of a poem by conveying emotions, creating depth, and enhancing the overall message. These elements help the reader interpret the poem and connect with its themes on a deeper level.

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14y ago

The most important poetic element is rhyme

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Q: What are Poetic elements that effect the meaning of a poem?
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Not using rhyme in a poem can create a more modern and free verse style, allowing the focus to shift to other poetic elements like imagery, rhythm, and structure. It can give the poem a sense of improvisation and emotional authenticity.

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What does the poem technique means?

Poetic technique refers to the formal and structural elements that poets use to create meaning in their poems. This can include rhyme, meter, imagery, and other literary devices that help to convey the poet's message or evoke emotional responses in the reader. The technique chosen by a poet can greatly impact the overall effect and interpretation of a poem.

What true about poetic form?

Poetic form refers to the structure and organization of a poem, including elements like rhyme scheme, meter, and stanza. These formal features help to shape the poem's meaning and aesthetic. Different forms provide poets with frameworks to guide their creativity and expression.

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The structure of a poem, which sometimes follows a specific pattern or poetic tradition

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What Poetic devices in the poem my parents?

Some poetic devices in the poem could include metaphors, similes, alliteration, imagery, personification, and symbolism. These devices help create vivid and evocative descriptions, enhance the meaning of the poem, and engage the reader's emotions.

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In which poem?!