

Best Answer

Answer People who are over-weight don't necesarily eat a lot of food, they might eat a lot of junk food, like Mac Donalds and someones Donuts filled with cream and topped with more cream. They may also eat a lot of salt that happens to cause people to gain weight.

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Q: How do fat people afford food?
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Where People get fat from?

the fat in food

What part of the economic act of 1964 helped the people afford food?

Food Stamps helped people afford food as part of the economic opportunity act of 1964.

What part of the Economic Opportunity Act Of 1964 helped people afford people?

Food Stamps helped people afford food as part of the economic opportunity act of 1964.

Can people tell the difference between fat and fat free food?

Possibly, depends on the person and the amount of fat normally in the food. Also, what type of food.

What part of the economy opportunity act of 1964 helped people afford food?

Food Stamps

What part of the economi opportunity act of 1964 helped people afford food?

Food Stamps

What group of people get the most food stamps?

People who cannot afford to pay for food. These people may has a disability or they cannot have a good job. It can also be people who don't have good education and don't have a good job. You do not need food stamps if you regularly can afford to pay for groceries.

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What part of the economic opportunity act of 1964 help people afford food?

Food stamps ~ apex

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The food for rich is poor people(their mind and body) and for poor people whatever they afford to get,not when they are hungry but when it is available.. By-Sagar

How can financial resources affect a person's diet?

Financial resources can affect diet, as having a low income can affect the budget. Families with low income may only be able to afford cheap food products, where as families with high income can afford to buy high quality food products. Cheap food products contain high amounts of fat and sugar can have an affect on a persons health and lifestyle. The majority of people with high income, who are able to afford higher quality food products have good health and a healthy lifestyle.

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