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Certain persons have a true allergy to certain foods such as peanuts, mushrooms, seafood etc. Other persons have a sensitivity to substances in foods such as amines , salicylate or sulphide.
In the former case, the tiniest amount of food will cause the allergy.
In the latter case,(sensitivity), a certain level of the substance must be reached before the reaction occurs. This level may be cumulative over days and weeks.

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11y ago

The allergens in food are those components that are responsible for inciting an allergic reaction. They are proteins that usually resist the heat of cooking, the acid in the stomach, and the intestinal digestive enzymes. As a result, the allergens survive to cross the gastrointestinal lining, enter the bloodstream, and go to target organs, causing allergic reactions throughout the body. The mechanism of food allergy involves the immune system and heredity.

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While food allergies involve the immune system, food intolerance is not related to the immune system.

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John Lennon did have allergies, food allergies. He would have to watch what he ate.

Why can people with food allergies suffer from malnutrition?

Some people with food allergies may find it difficult to obtain food that they can digest. In addition, people with food allergies often need additional calorie intake to maintain their weight.

Is there allergies of greasy food?

no, but there can be an allergy to A greasy food.

How many allergens are there?

There are as many food allergies as there is food.

Do food allergies show up by age 3?

It is possible to have allergies as an infant.

What are some recipes that my boyfriend can eat to get relief from his food allergies?

The most common food allergies are dairy, nuts, shellfish and wheat. The only way to relieve the symptoms of food allergies is to not eat the foods that a person reacts to.