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Through Skin..

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it dies and lives again.

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Q: How do frogs breathe during hibernation?
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During the tadpole stage frogs breathe through?

Tadpoles breath through their gills.

When do tree frogs come out of hibernation in Iowa?

Spring time.

Why do frogs disappear after rainy seasons?

because they go hibernation

What do frogs sleep in for hibernation?

frogs usually sleep under rocks,deep lakes or maybey a pond!.....=/

How do frogs breathe in water and on land?

frogs breathe through there skins. but the frog has lungs but no ribs! They don't. Frogs can hold their breath for a very long time but they still have to come to the surface to breath air.They don't, they hold their breath like we do, they can just do it a long time. During their tadpole stage, they breathe under water through their skin, using internal gills. When they mature into frogs, they develop lungs and then can only breathe air using their lungs.

How does frogs breathe on land and on water?

on land , frogs breathe with the help of lungs , and in water , with the help of gills.

How do frogs breathe out air from lungs?

Actually frogs dont breathe from their lungs. They have lungs but they don't use them because their skin is so thin that they can breathe from it.

Why do frogs burrow in the ground in the fall?

Frogs and Toads need to hibernate to escape the winter so they dig into the ground up to 3 feet down to avoid the frost during the winter. Some frogs try to find a deep enough body of water that wont completely freeze solid and they can hibernate under the ice. Toads on the other hand will always dig into the ground and are great at digging. It's all to prepare for hibernation because insects don't come out during the winter so there's no food for toads and frogs. They start preparing to find a place during the fall.

What do frogs use to breathe?

Frogs have lungs just like you do. Tadpoles, however, have internal gills until they turn into frogs. Frogs breathe by pulsing their throat to suck air into and out of their lungs.

What is the difference between hibernation and estivation?

The difference between hibernation and estivation. Hibernation - when animals such as mice and bees and chipmunks and such sleep during winter and live off of fat and food energy that they store for when they go into a deep sleep. Estivation - when animals such as frogs and toads go into a deep sleep when it gets too warm.

Can frogs live underground?

Frogs Do live underwater because as tadpoles and froglets, they live under water until their gills disappear

When do frogs use their mouths to breathe?

I would think they breathe with there mouth underwater.