

How do gene mutations happen?

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13y ago

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mutation are caused by radiation and are 99.9% harmful

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Q: How do gene mutations happen?
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Would all mutations to DNA happen to a gene?

all mutations in terms of DNA happen in a gene. here it has to be noted that a gene is made up of two strands of nucleotides which are made up of amino acids. when mutations occur the sequence of nucleotides may change. sometimes a nucleotide may become missing hence the sequence of the strands change. mutations can be harmful but also very beneficial.

What is the cause of improper functions of a gene?

gene mutations

Why is a gene mutation more serious what its at the beginning?

More serious than what? Mutations happen all the time and have done so.

What is driver mutation?

The mutations that confer a selective growth advantage to the tumor cell are called “driver” mutations. It has been estimated. A driver gene is one that contains driver gene mutations. But driver genes may also contain passenger gene mutations A typical tumor contains two to eight of these "driver gene" mutations; the remaining mutations are passengers that confer no selective growth advantage.

What can changes in a gene do to a cell?


What can change in a gene do to a cell?


Does gene flow spread advantageous mutations?

Yes but it could also spread deleterious mutations. It depends on the size of the gene pool.

How do new traits arise to create genetic variability?

Random mutations of DNA happen and these get inserted into the gene pool as the species breed.

How can new mutations be added to a gene pool?

Mutations are added to a gene pool when a mutation (completely random) occurs in a person. They will pass this gene on to their offspring (and so on, and so forth).

What are mutations that occur at a single point?

Such mutations are called point mutation or gene mutation.

What can occur for limited gene flow?

Mutations can occur in gene processing errors.

What are known as gene mutations and occur at a single point in the DNA sequence?

Mutations that occur at a single point in the DNA sequence are Point Mutations.