

How do goldfish get damaged bladder?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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Swim bladder damage can usually be traced back to either poor water conditions or sudden trauma such as a large variation in their water temp or bruising from some external force.

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Q: How do goldfish get damaged bladder?
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What causes a goldfish to swim on its side?

A damaged swim bladder.

My goldfish was beaten up by a rainbow shark. It is now damaged dorsal fin and floats at top of water. How can i heal it?

There is very little you can do if the fish is floating. The fishes swim bladder is damaged so the fish will never recover. May I recommend that you do not mix coldwater fish (Goldfish) with tropicals (Rainbow shark) they need totally different conditions so you are bound for disappointment one way or another anyway.

If a fish has a damaged swim bladder can it be cured?

Not usually.

Why are goldfish swimming on their sides?

Swim bladder disease?

What can you do for a goldfish that has air-bladder?

feed it some frozen peas or don't feed it for a week

Can fantail goldfish recover from swim bladder?

Yes, just feed it frozen mashed peas.

What causes a fish to have a damaged swim bladder?

In most cases it's due to overfeeding and constipation. Ryukin goldfish are more prone to this due to their body shape, so make sure that you feed cooked & deshelled peas at least once a week to help avoid constipation.

What other animals do a goldfish live with?

Other goldfish, preferably This will ensure that the goldfish will not be injured by other tankmates and also ensures that the other tankmate's gills are not damaged by the large amounts of toxic wastes (ammonia) that the goldfish produces daily.

Your goldfish keeps floating to the top on its side what is wrong?

It probably has swim bladder disease. Swim bladder disease is when your goldfish is constipated, and the food is just building up in its stomach. This also happens when you do not soak their food and there is still air in the food and its puts air in the goldfishes stomach and therefore makes it float. Allow me to warn you this disease could be fatal for your goldfish if not treated. My goldfish had swim bladder disease, and this is what I did to help- 1: I made to sure there was little to no ammonia in the tank 2: I withheld food for 2-3 days. The last thing you want to do is add more air in there and possibly some of the food will digest and your goldfish will be relieved and you may have to do anything else. (Although I wouldn't count on it, this helped my goldfish but didn't stop the SBD. (Swim bladder disease) 3: This could also be caused because of lack of greens, vegi's, and fruit. Your goldfish can't live on a diet of pellets forever. Offer it greens at least 2 a week, or you can get a little clippy thing and you can put some lettuce in there. (My four goldfish chomp down a big piece of lettuce fast, they really love it. But I wouldn't recommend leaving it in there for more than 2 weeks) Also, give them a small slice of an orange. My goldfish love oranges, and I think that the orange really helped my goldfish. Don't leave the orange in for more than four hours because the citrus can bring up the ammonia. 4: Remember: Ryukin's and Pearlscales are prone to this disease because of their round shapes. (They are also prone to dropsy) Almost anyone that works with goldfish will have to work with this disease at least once- so that's ok! Good luck to you and your goldfish!!

What level of the spinal cord is damaged to cause urinary incontinence?

Parasympathetic nerves from the S2, S3 and S4 levels of your spinal cord cause the upper part of your bladder to contract and your bladder neck to relax, assisting in the process of micturition (urination). If these are damaged you will have bladder control problems.

What do you do with an upside down goldfish?

An upside down goldfish means it has a swim bladder disease. If that disease is detected on your goldfish early, it is treatable with isolation and medicated food. But if the disease is detected too late, the results are irreversible-it is a deadly disease.

What does it means when a goldfish is on its back?

Severe swim bladder problems (feed 'em mashed peas), or it's dead.