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They get more supply's for the nest.

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Q: How do hornets expand their nest from a tiny ball to a large nest with combs inside?
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What bee is an inch and a quarter long?

Hornets and Yellow Jackets get this large.

Do large black bees which are in the blue salvia sting?

Most bees are not aggressive. Hornets and wasps are aggressive. If you have hornets, avoid that area or spray them.

What are natural predators of ground hornets?

Ground hornets do not have many predators. Bears and other large carnivores are the most likely since they may not be deterred by a few stings.

How do you remove a large hornets nest?

You should call pest control or ask a professional.

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Do giant hornets live in Nevada?

Giant hornets - no. However, Nevada and most of the southern states have a very large wasp called the tarantula hawk that delivers one of the most painful stings of any insect.

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What does hornet larve look like?

A yellow jacket is a wasp and is always yellow and black. A hornet is a large wasp and is always yellow and brown. The Bald faced Hornet found in the USA is actually a wasp and is black and white.

Why would you all of a sudden have a large amount of hornets show up?

One of the components of the hornet venom is a pheromone, called the alarm pheromone. This attracts other hornets to attack. When you squash a hornet you release all of the venom it has stored and the pheromone attracts the others.

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