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There are various causes pollution in River Thames. These include direct industrial discharge, polluted river and tributaries discharge, sewage influences and Storm water deposition.

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Through industrial waste of factories which are thrown in the water bodies. Litter is thrown in water bodies as well as acid rain.

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sewage and improper waste disposal.

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Q: How do lakes and rivers get polluted?
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What causes your lakes and rivers to be polluted?

Well littering can casue a polluted lake

Where does fresh water come from naturally?

Rain is fresh, and various lakes, rivers, and glaciers contain fresh water (although lakes and rivers are often polluted).

Where are waters polluted and why?

The waters are polluted in rivers,lakes,ponds and sea's. The reason is because people are throwing things there not ment to in the rivers etc. Or that the factories produce gas in the air and that goes to the river :)

Do Canada's lakes get polluted?

yes all lakes get polluted

What are some effects of acid rain?

Acid rain destroy's forest damages property and harms wildlife. Lakes and rivers are effected by acid rain because when the acid rain falls in to the lakes and rivers it turns into polluted water.

How do landfill sites affect water systems?

Landfills can leak pollution into reservoirs, rivers, underground rivers, or lakes. The polluted water sources can be used as water supplies for towns or cities nearby.

What are the main causes of impure water in Pakistan?

the rapid growth of population has accelerated pollution and the streams,rivers and lakes that were once clear are now polluted with refuse and sewage and this makes the water impure and they are now polluted with impurity.

Do household cleaning products pollute soil and groundwater?

Yes,it effects the water and plants which means if rivers and lakes are polluted plants and animals are also effected

How did city planners solve the public health problems posed by polluted rivers and lakes?

The designers took water from protected reservoirs and used filtration systems.

What is Asia's rivers and lakes?

The rivers and lakes of Asia.

Who makes polluted rivers?

No one makes polluted rivers. Animals and people pollute them through natural and technological processes.

What are the name four problems that result from polluted water?

Wen people litter/ put garbage to rivers, lakes,etc. it would make animals in the water suffer!