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starve themselves dont shovel in that food

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Q: How do most people start their diets?
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What are some diets that will help me lose weight?

Most diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables are a great way to lose weight. Also, diets that include lean meats such as chicken (grilled, not fried or breaded). Avoid "diets" that involve a lot of empty calories (white pasta vs. wheat).

What so speical about the truth about diets?

What is so special about the truth about diets is that most do not work. They restrict calories and fats to an unhealthy and often extreme levels, causing most people to fail them.

What are the most common fad diets people use?

The low carbohydrate diet is a fad diet that many people try. Two low carbohydrate diets are the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet.


You need to read more about Africa. Most people in Chad are happy with a handful of rice.

How can I find best diets's infomation ?

There are many different places that you can start looking at to find information on diets. Your local YMCA most likely has great information about diet and exercise and can help you lose those pounds.

What diets promise to lose weight fast?

One of the most famous diets currently on the market is the Dukan diet. This diet has been tested by many people, and hase been proven for many people to loose weight.

What type of diet programs actually have worked for some people?

There are many successful diets that have worked for people. One of the most famous diets today is the HGC diet. This diet helps you loose a pound a day and then some.

Why do people resort to diets?

A diet is what you call how you eat - it's not something you resort to. Weight loss diets are supposed to help people lose weight; weight gaining diets do the opposite. People choose diets based on their lifestyle and what they want to accomplish.

What diets should be followed due to blood type differences?

Different diets should be followed for each blood type. People with O type blood should focus their diets on protein rich foods. People with type A blood should focus their diets on organic vegetarian diets. People with type B blood should focus their diets on a dairy based diet.

are there any diets for specific blood types?

I am not aware of any diets that are designed for a specific blood type. I only know that, in my experience, I learned healthy eating habits, which is universal to most people.

Are there special diets for people with high cholesterol?

There are specific diets for high cholesterol patients. Generally speaking, and in the most simple form, high fiber diets have shown to reduce bad cholesterol. Decrease fatty food (especially with trans fats) and increase fiber.

What do people fail on purpose?
