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These organisms do not need oxygen. They are called anaerobes.

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Q: How do organisms at deep sea vents survive without oxygen?
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What is unusual about organisms in the domain Archaea?

They can survive in areas of the earth where no other life forms can be found. For example, some of them can't survive in oxygen, and others are found deep inside the ocean vents.

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WIthout the Sun, no life would survive on Earth. Earth would rapidly lose heat until all of the oceans and freshwater froze over. There woud be no light, so all organisms that perform photosynthesis would die out. Also, any organisms that directly or indirectly rely on photosynthesis either for food or oxygen would die. The only organisms that would survive would by anerobic organisms in deep sea vents, where volcanic activity would keep the water warm enough it wouldn't freeze. There would be no fish here, though, because without photosynthesis occuring near the surface, there would be no oxygen in the water for fish.

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Archaebacteria are simple organisms that thrive well in the heat of thermal vents deep in the ocean.

How many days will a plant survive without oxygen?

In theory. They 'inhale' Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and 'exhale' Oxygen (O2). To improve the above statement... since plants "inhale" Carbon Dioxide which is made up of one molecule of Carbon and 2 of Oxygen, plants can not live without oxygen because without oxygen there would be no carbon dioxide in the first place. So my final answer is NO! Plants can not live without oxygen! ***WORLD PEACE*** :) smoking kills...

Why scientist might ask about the variety of organisms around deep-sea vents?

Black Smokers are the hot thermal vents in the ocean floor that support life that depends on oxidants other than Oxygen. Some organisms use heat, methane, and sulfur compounds to make energy through chemosynthesis. Other creatures use these organisms for food.

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Why were scientist surprised to discover the variety of organisms living around hydrothermal events?

hydrothermal vents are on the bottom of the ocean where there is not much sunlight and is so deep, that they thought it would be impossible for any organisms to survive. apparently, hydrothermal vents provided heat and produced chemicals which bacteria feed on. And other animals feed on bacteria.

Which best explains why the first organisms on Earth were anaerobic?

They thought this because the atmosphere contained very little oxygen. Anaerobic means without oxygen and the early atmosphere of the Earth was very low in oxygen. Only those organism that could live without oxygen could survive. Those cells were cyanobacteria which are sometimes (incorrectly) called blue-green algae.

Propose a question that a scientist might ask about the variety of organisms found around deep sea vents.?

Black Smokers are the hot thermal vents in the ocean floor that support life that depends on oxidants other than Oxygen. Some organisms use heat, methane, and sulfur compounds to make energy through chemosynthesis. Other creatures use these organisms for food.

Why can some bacteria live in volcanic vents?

Biota that live in extreme environments are known as extremophiles. They have evolved to like these conditions. Black Smokers in the ocean floor, are surrounded by such organisms - in that case, of ones that can survive without light and oxygen.

Do all living things need air to live?

Not all living things need air to survive. Do you like cakes? The yeast used to make them is a fungus that hates air and is a close relative to the yeast that gives us beer. Many living organisms need air for the oxygen which enables them to use the Calvin Cycle. There are also organisms that go through chemosynthesis at the volcanic vents at the sea floor. The vents provide many different chemicals and elements (mostly sulfur) that various organisms will use to provide energy for cell respiration. They do not need "air" or even sunlight. Most living things use oxygen in the chemical process that releases energy from food.

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