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Some people see bisexualism as a sin and others find it against their morals or their concept of 'right'. Others find it a good thing and see it as an expression of freedom and love. Most will just say "okay, moving on".

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Q: How do people react to a bisexual girl?
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Can a bisexual girl get jealous of a really pretty straight girl?

Yes, a bisexual girl can get jealousy of a really pretty straight girl

It's girly girl are Bisexual too?

Ya they can be, any type of girl or guy can be bisexual.

Are bisexual girls less faithful?

No. A bisexual girl is just as likely to cheat as a straight girl.

Can a straight guy fall in love with a bisexual girl?

Yes, people can fall in love/be attracted to other people regardless of sexual orientation, but the feelings won't necessarily be reciprocated.

Can a girl like another girl even though she's not bisexual?

The girl would have to be bisexual or homosexual is she has those type of feelings for another girl.

Am i bisexual?

You will know if u fancy a boy and a girl at the same time.

If a bisexual girl goes out with a guy is she considered bisexual or straight while they are dating?

She is still considered bisexual.

What do you do if you are in love with another girl but you are not ready for people to know you are bisexual should you tell her how you feel anyway?

* It would be very wise to be sure that this other girl is bisexual as well because if you don't rumors can start and the gossip will spread like wildfire. If she is bisexual then you will have the to run the risk of telling her how you feel.

How do you get a date with a girl if you are bisexual?

Make sure they know you're bisexual before you ask them out. Bisexuals are people, just the same as everyone else. People should like your personality, regardless of your sexual orientation.

How does a bisexual girl likes you a little?

well if a girl is Bisexual then that means not only she likes men but woman also so i don't know if your a female or male but i doesn't really matter a bisexual girl can like you.

what kind of girl likes bisexual men?

Its hard to answer that but as bisexual i am more comfortable men as my partner you can bisexual but you have to realy choose who you want to be with.. A kind of girl who like you is a understanding one...

Is your friend girl bisexual?

Its not up to other people to answer whether or not their friend is bisexual. If you want to know someone's sexuality, just go and ask THAT person. Don't rely on other people. That's how rumors start.