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They grind together by sliding against each other going side-to-side and produce a lot of shallow earth quakes from that. The most famous example of a transform plate boundary is the San Andreas fault where the Pacific plate meets the North American plate.

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11y ago

A convergent boundary is one where two plates are grinding into each other, so the plates are moving toward each other. If one plate more dense than the other, (say a continent and an oceanic plate collide) then the denser plate (the oceanic plate) may be subducted. If two plates of similar or the same density collide, then neither plate will subduct, and crustal thickening may occur. This is the process which formed the Himalayas, resulting from the pressure of two continental plates, the Indian and the Asian.

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11y ago

Plate boundaries move in three ways:

Transverse- when the plates slide past one another. A famous example is the San Andreas fault, which is located in California and is a major plate boundary.

Converging- when the plates push against each other. Most mountains are made this way.

Diverging- when plates are spreading apart. This is the process that create new sea floor.

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13y ago

they move the opposite side like on goes up and one goes down (Left & right)

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14y ago

they slide oposite ways; one goes right and one goes left

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13y ago

they slide against each other going side-to-side.

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Q: How do plates move along a convergent boundary?
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A convergent boundary is where plates move together.

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This is called a convergent boundary, because the two plates are converging, or coming together.

How is a transform boundary from a convergent boundary?

At a convergent boundary two plates move toward each other. At a transform boundary plates slide past each other.

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What are the 3 types of plate boundarys?

divergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move apart from each other. convergent plate boundary- a boundary where two plates move towards each other so that one plate can sink beneath the other. transform plate boundary- a boundary where one plate slips along side another plate.

How is transform boundary different from a convergent boundary?

Transform fault where plates slide horizontally past one another without the production or destruction of litosphere, the Divergent produces new sea floor and Convergent two plates collide underneath in creating underground mountains.

Boundary between two plates that are moving apart?

Convergent: plates move into one another.Divergent: plates move apart.Transform: plates move sideways in relation to each other.

Tectonic plates move apart in opposite directions at a?

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