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it increses because the seeds are under ground and the sun shines on the dirt and the seeds get soil.and you need to water it for it to grow.

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Q: How do scattering seeds increase the chance that new plants will grow?
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Related questions

What is the term used for the scattering of seeds?

The scattering of seeds is to sow.

What is an example sentence with the word scattering?

The birds fed on the scattering of seeds I threw onto the ground.

How are cleavers dispersed?

They are bursting and scattering seeds.-J.C.

What term is used to describe how plants spread their seeds?

There are two possible answers to this question:In botany the process of the seed being released and moved away from the partent plant by a "vector" is called dispersal.In farming the genral term used to scatter seeds is called broadcasting

Why do the seeds of the grapes have a higher chance of growing into healthier plants than that of the mango?

Grape seeds are sturdier than mango seeds, therefore grape seeds have better chances of growing into healthy plants. Mango seeds are very fragile and many won't grow at all.

What is seed dispersed?

The scattering of seeds is called seed dispersal.

What does planting seeds in long rows rather than randomly scattering seeds do?

It makes them grow in a row as opposed to randomly scattered. This is because plants usually grow where seeds are placed. There are, of course, exceptions to this theory. For example, flying seeds. However, anyone planting crops is likely to sow non-flying varieties of seeds.

What are some examples of seeds that disperse by explosion?

When seeds are dispersed by explosion, the force of the explosion sends seeds scattering in all different directions. The following is a list of plants in which this method of dispersal occurs: Broom, Eurphorbia, Geranium, Viola, Ceanothus, Oxalis, Lupin, Erodium, and Lathyrus. Please refer to the Related Link to view pictures of each of the plants and to read more information about the dispersal of seeds in each.

Why does a plants produce so many seeds?

Because not all of them find conditions that are suitable for germination. After germination a number will die or be eaten by pests, killed or damaged mechanically, die because of drought, frost etc. The more seeds the greater chance for the survival of a few plants.

Farmers collected blank from plants they liked?

Farmers will collect seeds from plants that they especially like. If a crop turned out especially well, they will use seeds from that crop for the next planting to increase the chances that it will also turn out well.

How do forget-me-nots reproduce?

Seed. They reproduce scattering seeds with the wind and carried by insects

What does planting crops in long rows rather than randomly scattering seeds do for Aplus?

There are actually several benefits to planting crops in long rows rather than just randomly scattering the seeds. This allows for easier maintenance and easier harvesting.