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Q: How do scientist measure how much plate tectonics move per year?
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Related questions

What are plate tectonics and what does it have to do with the earths shape?

Plate tectonics are what each continent is on. They move and are continuing to move today. It has to do with the earth's shape because the plate tectonics move the continents around.

What are the huge sections of the earth's crust that move called?

plate tectonics

How do scientist make predictions about plate tectonics of the future?

Sometimes they study the way the plates move. They can either move convergently, divergently, or transforming.

What theory states that plates move around on the athenosphere?

the crust cracks and magma fills in the space

How are crustal features related to plate tectonics?

well i think that it is that plate tectonics are when they move by earthquakes and crustal features are when they discribe the crustal and the plate tectonics.

Do the plate tectonics move?

they move because of the magma

What direction do the convergent plate move?

It depends on which plate tectonics you are talking about. Each plate has its specific direction of movement. All plate tectonics move in different directions.

What is the word when plates move?

Plate Tectonics

How do continent move apart?

plate tectonics

What Is the theory that the earths lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere?

A theory that says the lithosphere is divided into plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere is called '' plate tectonics''

Describe the relationship of continental drift and plate tectonics?

The relationship of continental drift and plate tectonics is that the plate tectonics move and are under the ground and the continental drift is on the top of earth...

How do earths convection currents move?

from plate tectonics