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Members of the Plant kingdom obtain their energy from light. Some members of Monera and Protista do as well. Animals and Fungi and some Protists and Monerans obtain food by "eating" other organisms.

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Scientists classify organisms into different kingdoms based on their source of energy through their mode of nutrition. Organisms that obtain energy from the sun through photosynthesis belong to the kingdom Plantae, while those that obtain energy from consuming other organisms belong to the kingdom Animalia. Organisms that obtain energy from breaking down organic matter or inorganic compounds belong to the kingdom Fungi or Kingdom Protista, depending on other characteristics.

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Q: How do scientists use source of energy to classify organisms into their kingdoms?
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Why do plants and animals belong to two different kingdoms?

The main difference is that the plant kingdom has cell walls, and the animal kingdom doesn't. Plants use photosynthesis to create energy from sunlight, while animals use metabolism to create energy from food.

What are facts about Monera life kingdom?

Organisms in this kingdom are prokaryotes.All organisms in this kingdom are unicellular.Some organisms in this kingdom are autotrophs, and some are heterotrophs.Prokaryotes - Organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other cell structures.Unicellular - Made of a single cell.Autotroph - An organism that can make its own food, using energy fromthe sun.Heterotroph - An organism that cannot make its own food, therefore having to consume other organisms for energy.

What are the organisms in the plant kingdom?

The plant kingdom includes organisms such as mosses, ferns, conifers (like pine trees), and flowering plants (angiosperms). These organisms have cells with cellulose cell walls, undergo photosynthesis to produce energy, and have a complex life cycle with alternation of generations.

What is the scientific word that you use to name organisms that do photosynthesis?

There are various words to use: Phototrophs - photosynthetic organisms that use sunlight to make food. Autotrophs - organisms (including phototrophs) that make their own food and don't have to chase it down or catch it like animals (heterotrophs) do. Producers - the energy producers (capturers) in a food chain. Plants are the producers of terrestrial food chains. They are autotrophs in that they can make their own food. They are phototrophs in that they use light to carry out the reactions to make that food (photosynthesis).

Describe the energy conversions that take place in the pendulum?

At the start of a swing the pendulum has lots of potential energy but no kinetic energy. As it moves downwards the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. In the upswing the kinetic energy is converted back into potential energy. Some of the energy is converted into heat by friction which is why the pendulum slows down.

Related questions

How do scientists classify energy?

potential or kintetic

What are three types of information scientists use to classify organisms into five kingdoms?

There are many types of information used by modern taxonomists to classify organisms. Two types of information used for this purpose include whether the organism has a present backbone or not; and the body covering of the organism such as fur, feathers, skin, hair, etc..

What one criteria for classifying organisms into kingdoms is by how they get and use nutrients and energy?


What characteristic is used to classify kingdoms?

The 5 kingdoms (bacteria, plants, animals, fungi, protists) are separated mainly by how the organisms attain the energy they need to survive and how their cells are structured. The Bacteria kingdom is made up of prokaryotic organisms. This means that their cells lack the structure that eukaryotic cells (our cells for example) have, such as a nucleus and mitochondria. All the other kingdoms consist of eukaryotic organisms that do have structure to their cells. The differences between these eukaryotic kingdoms (plants, animals, and fungi) are based on how they aquire energy to live. Plants make their own energy from sunlight by using photosynthesis. Animals and fungi are very similar in that they must ingest other organisms in order to get the energy they need. The main differences are that animals are mobile and eat food whereas fungi are immobile and absorb their food. The protist kingdom, though also eukaryotic, has little rhyme or reason to it. It consists of mostly single-celled organisms that don't really fit in any of the other kingdoms at all.

What lists only those kingdoms which contain organisms that are capable of getting their energy from the Sun?

Plants and Protist

What kingdoms contain organisms that are capable of capturing and using energy from the sun?

plantae and monera

Which two kingdoms contain organism that use energy from the sun to make food?

The plant and protist kingdoms contain organisms that can use energy from the sun to make food. The plant kingdom has over 260,000 species.

Scientists classify everything in the universe as either A light energy or heat energy B potential or kinetic C atoms or molecules D matter or energy?

atoms or molecules

One way scientists classify organisms is by the method of transportation used by the organism?

One way scientists classify organisms is by their method of obtaining energy and nutrients. This is known as their trophic level. For example, producers (plants, algae) are at the first level, primary consumers (herbivores) are at the second level, secondary consumers (carnivores that eat herbivores) are at the third level and so on. Another way is by their characteristics of movement, such as sessile and motile organisms.

Scientists classify everything in the universe as?

If they are astronomers, they classify everything as 'interesting'. I think the answer may be something like "matter or energy". In fact, according to Relativity Theory, mass (of matter) and energy are in many ways equivalent. "Mass-energy" is a term often used to refer to this fact. Pretty well everything in the Universe is matter or energy,

To which kingdom would a single-celled eukaryotic organism that gets energy from photosynthesis belong?

Single celled organisms are found in the Kingdom Protista.

What are organisms that can consume other organisms for energy?

Organisms that consume other organisms for energy are consumers.