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They smell nice and are pretty by the way heyyy pari :)

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As a tasty meal. Nom nom nom

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Q: How do sea turtles benefit humans?
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What species eat sea turtles?

Because the sea turtle has shell that is hard to bite through, there are few predators for the adult sea turtle, such as: sharks, crocodiles, octopi (octopuses), and even humans. The baby sea turtles have far more predators: seagulls, cranes, snakes, crabs, artificail lighting, sea walls, and also sometimes humans. Us humans are the WORST predator to sea turtles!

What is a Green sea Turtles Preadators?

Sharks and humans I would imagine.

What Sea turtle species?

Because the sea turtle has shell that is hard to bite through, there are few predators for the adult sea turtle, such as: sharks, crocodiles, octopi (octopuses), and even humans. The baby sea turtles have far more predators: seagulls, cranes, snakes, crabs, artificail lighting, sea walls, and also sometimes humans. Us humans are the WORST predator to sea turtles!

Is sea turtles a predator or herbivore?

Both, because everything gets eaten by another animal. Sea turtles eat sponges, small crabs, seaweed, etc. The animals that prey upon sea turtles are sharks, bass, pikes, and even humans.

What eats plankton that humans eat?

Fish and those type of aquatic animals. And jelly fish! probably. Oh i know sea turtles You sometimes can eat sea turtles and snakes.

How can humans help sea turtles?

cleaning up the beaches, not throwing plastic bags in the ocean because turtles will mistake it for jellyfish which is what they eat.

What are the the sea largest sea turtles?

The largest sea turtles are the leatherbacks

Do sea turtles or land turtles have sronger shells?

sea turtles

Who eats the green sea turtles?

Humans , stingrays , sharks , and crabs.Save the ocean!! Take shorter showers!!

What salinity does sea turtles live in?

SEA turtles. Yes.

Are water turtles color blind?

No, most turtles have broader color vision than humans, including limited UV range.

What is survival benefit?

The painted turtles benefit for survival is just like any turtles, the shell.