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Shellfish are actually not fish at all. The term shellfish refers to aquatic invertebrates with shells, including lobster, shrimp, clams, and sea urchins; all mollusks, crustaceans, or echinoderms, rather than fish, who lack shells and are vertebrates.

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Q: How do shellfish differ form other fish?
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It is best to visit your doctor and ask about the allergy guidelines. These fish can usually be available in list form from the dedicated restaurant selling the fish.

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There is a certain difference in the way how Eastern and Western people prepare their fish. For instance Japanese people eat their fish raw in sushi and Chinese steam their fish. Westerner such as British and Americans prepare their fish in fillet form.

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Limestone is rock that formed at the bottom of the sea from the shells, bones, and bodies of fish, crabs, shellfish and other marine life. Because it's from life, it's called organic. Chalk and marble are similar.

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The noun form for the verb to differ is the gerund, differing. A related noun form is difference.

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He fed fish to the masses, so probably no on the other also since lower life form.

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