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Organisms and insects help to keep soil healthy. They help break down harmful elements and excrete substances to improve the soil.

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Q: How do soil organisms improve the soil?
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How do soil organisms affect the soil?

Soil organisms play an essential role in the breakdown of organic matter and other complex molecules. These activities are also linked to processes that lead to the aggregation of soil particles into a friable soil structure that is beneficial for the growth of plants. The inter-connected activities of soil organisms improve soil stability and underpin nutrient cycling on a global scale. Part 2 covers the chemical and physical processes associated with the activity of soil organisms including: (i) in nutrient cycling; (ii) in degrading complex molecules such as pesticides and chemicals that may contaminate the environment, and (iii) in soil stabilisation and other soil physical processes.Resource: SoilHealth .com

How do living organisms help soil?

Living organisms provide nutrients for the soil.

How do organisms help create and improve soil?

Organisms help break up dead vegetable matter. Composting is great to make fertilizer. Earthworms also break up the dead plants and excrete their own fertilizer.

What is the connection between soil organisms and soil fertility?

Organisms in theground consume organic matter and deposit the remnants as nutrients and minerals in the soil in a form that plant life can more easily absorb. Larger organisms, like small animals, burrow in the soil which increases the airiness of the soil.

How do organisms affect soil?

Organisms affect soil, in terms of aeration, drainage, fertility, moisture, nutrientavailability, and structure. For organisms such as burrowing moles and voles, and tunneling earthworms, open up passageways through soil. These passageways provide channels for air, moisture, and nutrients; options for drainage; and transport for other members of the soil food web. Soil dwelling organisms also die and decompose. By their death and decay, they add to the organic matter in soil. Organic matter improves drainage, fertility, and structure. And organisms such as ground beetles and earthworms feed on other organisms. The processing of the digestive system and the elimination make nutrients available that otherwise are present but inaccessible. For example, nitrogen fixing bacteria need to be digested, processed, and eliminated as the waste products of their predators in order for their nitrogen to be in soluble form and therefore available for use within the soil. And also organisms such as bacteria and fungi improve soil structure by their glue and their threads, respectively. For bacterial glue and fungal threads help soil to form into aggregates. Between and among the aggregates can be formed air and water pore spaces.

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Burrowing mammals improve soil by aerating, or mixing air into, the soil.

How do soil organisms affect the soil?

Soil organisms play an essential role in the breakdown of organic matter and other complex molecules. These activities are also linked to processes that lead to the aggregation of soil particles into a friable soil structure that is beneficial for the growth of plants. The inter-connected activities of soil organisms improve soil stability and underpin nutrient cycling on a global scale. Part 2 covers the chemical and physical processes associated with the activity of soil organisms including: (i) in nutrient cycling; (ii) in degrading complex molecules such as pesticides and chemicals that may contaminate the environment, and (iii) in soil stabilisation and other soil physical processes.Resource: SoilHealth .com

How do living organisms help soil?

Living organisms provide nutrients for the soil.

What are soil organisms?

Soil organisms are the organisms that live in the soil. The include bacteria, fungi, algae and slime molds, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, worms, and gastropods.

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How are living organisms dependent on the soil? are organisms that live in water totally independent of soil as a resource?

Where all organisms live in soil?

Soil organisms live in the space between the soil particles. i am a science genius!! :P

Why are soil organiams important?

soil organisms are important because without the organisms there'd be no plants

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How do organisms help create and improve soil?

Organisms help break up dead vegetable matter. Composting is great to make fertilizer. Earthworms also break up the dead plants and excrete their own fertilizer.