

How do solids expand said in detail?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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a solid expands by heat because if you decrees the temperature it will make it freeze and if it is warmer it will expand

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Q: How do solids expand said in detail?
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How do solids expand?

the heat expand the solids atoms

Unlike solids and liquids a gas will?

Unlike solids and liquids, a gas will expand to fill the space available to it.

Do solids expand to a much greater extent than gases when heated?

No, gases expand more than solids when heated.

Do solids contract when frozen?

No. They expand.

Do solids expand when hot?


Do solids expand at the same rate?

No all solids do not expand at same rate because some solid expand at less temperature and some solids expand at less temperature. For example if we take iron and plastic iron expands at high temperature and plastic melt at less temperature(at candle light also).

Do solids change volume?

Most solids expand as they increase in temperature and contract as they get colder. Interestingly, water after it freezes will start to expand as it gets even colder.

When temperature rises solids do what?

they expand! does that help

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Why do solids expand when heated even though their mass does not change?

BECAUSE the moncules are heated they expand because there gay and expand

Which of these does not expand liquid solid or gas?

All of them can expand - for example, when they are heated. Gases usually expand more than solids or liquids.

Do most liquids expand as they get hotter?

Not only liquids but also solids expand as they get hotter, with few exceptions.