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How do insects make sound

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9y ago
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14y ago

One obvious reason is to get the attention of other insects. It's used as a mating call.

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13y ago

I can only think of two: a Cricket and a Cicada

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11y ago

by there legs

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13y ago

by using signals

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Q: How can insects make sounds?
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What insects make sounds?

Insects can make buzzing sounds by fluttering their wings, or sounds called Stridulation, made by rubbing body parts together (for example, grasshoppers rub their legs against their wings). Often we can't hear the sounds many insects make, unless they are recorded and amplified.

What insects make loud sounds at night?

Insects that make musical sounds audible to human ears are cicadas, grasshoppers, crickets and katydids. Beetles also produce audible sounds, but without as melodic a quality.

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thay talk my name is justin

What males of this type of insect make loud sounds on warm summer evenings?

Crickets are the insects that make noise in the summer. They are not the only noisy insects, but they are the noisiest.

How do insect communicate?

Insects can communicate with each other in a number of different ways. Some may leave scents behind for fellow insects, while others make sounds.

Which animals make a sound to attract a mate?

The following animals make sounds to attract a mate: foxes, frogs, toads, penguins and even elk. Some apes beat their chest and make sounds to attract a mate. +++ Some insects, as well, such as crickets and grasshoppers.

What are animals that make buzzing sounds?

There are many animals that make a buzzing sound. The gnats, flies, all types of beetles and bees. These really are not thought of as animals, rather they are thought of as insects.

What noise does a woodpecker make?

Woodpeckers make noise when they tap at a tree for insects. The noise sounds just like a very fast and continues tap. This can easily be recognized once you have heard it once.

Where do the centipedes have their ears?

Centipedes can hear via their antenna. They sense vibrations and they actually make sounds as well as hearing those sounds. Centipedes eat other insects.

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Do animals alwyas make sounds?

Animals do make sounds but it's not all of the animals that make sounds.

What sound do rabbits make?

Rabbits make sniffing sounds. The sounds they make aren't loud, but they also make soft squeaking sounds. They make different sounds for different moods.