

Best Answer

They are carbonate deposits formed by dripping

water in air-filled cavities.

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Q: How do stalagmites and stalactites form in a cave?
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Where do stalactites and stalagmites form in caves?

Stalac"tites", top, or on the roof of the cave. Stalagmites form on the floor of caves.

What are stalactites and stalagmites and why are they produced?

Stalactites and stalagmites are corresponding rock formations , stalactites being the ones on the roof of the cave and stalagmites the ones on the cave floor. Why are they formed? They are formed because water leaking into the caves craves out the rocks slowly into stalagmites and stalactites.

Where were the first stalagmites and stalactites found?

In a Cave

What do stalactites and stalagmites join to form?

When stalactites and stalagmites join it is called a column

Which formation in a cave rise from the floor stalagmites or stalactites?

stalagmites are on the cave floor, stalactites are on the cave roof. stalagmites are mighty like Hercules, they hold the ceiling up. +++ An easy mnemonic: "c for ceiling, g for ground". Another is "Stalagmites might reach the roof [and sometimes do, forming a 'column'] and stalactites hang on tight."

What is the name of a rock inside the cave that can form in column?

Stalactites a rock that hangs in the cave is formed by slow drips of water, when joined with stalagmites the rock below that grows upward will become a column. Column in a cave is formed when stalactites and stalagmites finally joined together. Over the years, it is possible to become wider. However, if you are asking the rocks that will form as stalactites and stalagmites, this include limestone, dolomite, and gypsum to mention a few.

How does stalactites and stalagmites form?


What are formations found on the floors cave?

The formations are called stalactites and stalagmites.

What is the formation of stalagmites?

it is formed by the droplets falling from the stalactites in the ceiling of the cave.

What is a major comound in deep cave stalactites?

Stalactites and stalagmites are normally made up from a mineral called Calcite.

Why do stalactites and stalagmites often occur in pairs?

because these stalactites are part of a more complex limstone cave system

What compounds form stalactites and stalagmites and stalagmites?

Calcium Carbonate