

How do stingrays bite?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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stingrays do not bite they have a stinger in the tale

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Yes, yes indeed stingrays have jaws!

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The collective noun for 'stingrays' is a fever of stingrays.

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Crabs are scavengers; they will eat stingrays if the stingrays are already dead.

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Yes, they aren't the original Stingrays, but they are called Stingrays.

Is there any animal that does not bite?

No all animals bite including us humans. To explain it, it is because we do any thing to protect us when we are in danger and so do animals nearly all animals bite for self-protection although some like stingrays do not bite, but they sting, the way all animals protect themselves are still called biting. Even fish bites

Are there stingrays in Louisiana?

Are there stingrays in Louisiana? In the gulf of Mexico

Are stingrays vertabrates?

No,stingrays are NOT vertebrates.They have cartilage,not bones.

What parts of stingrays can you eat?

stingrays that aren't poisnous

Where are stingrays' habitat?

the stingrays habitat is on the coastal tropical area