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The sting-ray possesses a eight inch 'nail' on its whip-like tail (very sharp) which it can slash to deadly effect. Steve Irwin died harrassing a sting-ray. The nail went right through his heart.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Their tails have barbs on them that they stab into enemies, mainly sharks. These barbs are like arrowheads and break off more skin coming out. This shape also helps keep the barb from coming out of the predator's skin as the stingray swims away. Some stingrays also bury themselves in the sand to hide from sharks. They go down to the bottom, flap their wings to stir up the ocean bottom, and let the sand fall back on top of them. They can almost completely submerge themselves.

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12y ago

if you have ever touched the back of a stingray, they are very slimy. why is because that's their over coat to protect them from their enemy. its like a protection coat.

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6y ago

Stingrays first method of defense is camouflage, second method is escape by swimming and third method is the barb on the end of their tails that they sting with.

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14y ago

They sting and kill anyone who had eggs within the last 24 hours.

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15y ago

Stingrays have poisonous stingers that can badly hurt the animal it attacks or even kill it.

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13y ago

Simple, it can hide under sand in the sea, or it can use its stinger on its tail to shock an enemy. I think stingrays are very cool because of that.

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How does a stingray protect itself from its enemies?

well you see the stingray has a special toxin in its poo. its poo can kill someone in the same water in a 64km radius. the stingray will only excrute this deadly wast if it sees an ompa lumpa so be carful around them!

How does a stingray protect is babies?

It doesn't

How does the stingray use coloration to protect themselves?

Stingray use coloration to pratect themselves by blending into whatever is their background

Will a stingray kill itself when exposed to liquor?

yes, when the stingray has been givin to much liquor, it goes home and begins a drunken rage. the female stingray then takes the young and goes to its mother in laws house and stays a couple nights. the male stingray then becomes depressed and commits stingray suicide.

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What does a stingray use for defending itself?

the barb on its tell.. it is very posines and can cause infection

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How does a stingray protects itself?

Stingrays have a poisonous "sting" or barb half way down their tails which they can jab into other organisms to fend them off.

How can you protect stingray?

The stingrays protect themselves by using their pointy tails to stab people and animals then swim away. Their poison is similar to the rattlesnake's venom.

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