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sulfa drugs binds to the enzyme, no product is formed, folic acid is made and the biosynthesis of methionine and nitrogenous bases increase

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Q: How do sulfa drugs selectively kill bacteria while causing no harm to the humans?
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Do humans use bacteria to synthesize drugs?

yes. some diseases such as cancer can be cured with harmful bacteria.

Humans use bacteria to?

clean up oil spills, mine minerals from the ground and synthisize drugs

What kind of drugs can kill bacteria?

The types of drugs that can kill bacteria are called 'antibiotics'.

Why are antibiotics drugs effective against bacteria without hurting humans because the antibiotics rely upon differences in the structure of human and bacteria?

863-604-3477 have 150 10/650

How do antibacterial drugs become ineffective over time?

Some bacteria get used to the drugs, and they no longer kill bacteria.

What drugs kill bacteria?


Drugs that act directly on the brain causing increased activity are?

stimulants are drugs that act directly on the brain causing increased activity.

What kind of drugs can destroy bacteria?

Drugs such penicillin, generically known as as "antibiotics".

What is the term for drugs that kill bacteria?


Do antibiotics decrease immunity?

Yes to some bacteria. When antibiotics were first discovered they were considered 'miracle' drugs and over used to the point now that some bacteria will not respond. The term 'super bugs' are used to refer to bacteria that has changed so they can grow in the body causing thesame illnesses they once were effective in treating.

What kind of drug kills bacteria?

The types of drugs that can kill bacteria are called 'antibiotics'.

Is it legal to test drugs on animals?

Yes they are consider humans. you can test drugs on humans. but who would?? sick people i tell you!