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The five pillars structure Islam and the daily lives of Muslim's, because Muslims believe that without them their lives would not be complete and they would not earn Gods trust, it's like a building would not be able to hold itself up without the foundations/pillars in this case pillars, the Muslim's believe that the five pillars are what hold their lives and Islam up.

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Q: How do the practices of the 5 pillars structure Islam and the daily lives of Muslims?
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The Five Pillars of Islam offer Muslims?

Basic beliefs and practices.

Why do muslims follow the 5 pillars?

Because the five Islam pillars are the basis of Islam religion. The five pillars represent the basic practices for any Muslim. Denying any of these pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslam brings him/her out of Islam. Refer to question below for more details.

What is one of the five pillars of Islam that is for Muslims?


Who are the Sunnis and the Shiite?

Sunni Muslims are Muslims who do not believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam. and Shia Muslims are Muslims who believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam. and Kurds are an ethnic living in Kurdistan and are mostly Sunni Muslims.

What does The Pillars of Islam mean?

Islam is a religion and it has five foundations upon which the rest of the religious practices are based. Every thing in this world that opperates has it's foundations or pillars in the similar manner Islam has five pillars. Who ever follows them, follows the complete practices of the faith.

Are Muslims and Islam one in the same?

Islam is the religion and Muslims are the followers of the Islam religion.

Why are the pillars of lslam so important to Muslims?

Five pillars of Islam are very important because they are the basis of Islam. Without believing in and practising on these pillars no one can claim to be a Muslim.

Why did Muslims go on a pilgrimage?

Because it is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Why are the practices of Muslims known as pillars?

Because they are the basics upon them are based all Islam religion teachings. As removing the pillars of any building results in the building collapse, the deny of any of Islam pillars intentionally and knowingly by any Muslim expels him/her from Islam.

How do Egyptian Muslims bring their religion into their everyday life?

Five pillars of Islam

What are Islams practice?

the Islamic practices are the Qur'an, the Muslims Holy book , and the five Pillars of Islam such as faith , prayer , fasting, charity , and pilgrimage (salah , zakah . sawm , shahadah , and hajj).

How do Ramadan and hajj help Muslims practice the 5 pillars of Islam?

Fasting Ramadan (Sawm) and performing pilgrimage (Hajj) are the fourth and fifth pillars of the five Islam pillars. Refer to question below.