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Q: How do vibrations get from the middle ear to the inner ear?
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The tympanic membrane in the middle ear transforming sound waves into mechanical vibrations. These vibrations stimulate the inner ear.

Does the eardrum send messages to the inner ear?

Yes. Ear drum send messages to inner ear in the form of vibrations. These vibrations are transmitted through three small bones in the middle ear.

What is the functions of the bones in the middle ear?

These are responsible for transferring and amplifying the vibrations from outer ear to inner ear

What is the function of bones of the middle ear?

These are responsible for transferring and amplifying the vibrations from outer ear to inner ear

What cavity contains tiny bones that transmit sound vibrations to the organ of hearing in the inner ear?

middle ear cavity

Job function of middle ear?

The middle ear's main job is to take those sound waves and turn them into vibrations that are delivered to the inner ear. To do this, it needs the eardrum.

What transfers vibrations to the inner ear?

No. Vibrations are changed into signals by the "hairs" (a part of nerve cells, not real hair) in the inner ear. The function of the bones of the middle ear is to change the low pressure, high amplitude sound waves into high pressure, low amplitude waves - for the inner ear to process.

What is between the cochlea and the ossicles?

The last of the ossicles of the middle ear is the stapes. It delivers the sound vibrations to the oval window separating the air environment of the middle ear from the fluid environment of the inner ear. The inner ear contains the cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canal.

Is the ossicle that transmits vibrations to the inner ear through the oval window?

what is the ossicle that transmit vibrations to the inner ear through the oval window

What causes you to hear sound?

How the Ear Works The ear has three main parts: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear (the part you can see) opens into the ear canal. The eardrum separates the ear canal from the middle ear. Small bones in the middle ear help transfer sound to the inner ear. The inner ear contains the auditory (hearing) nerve, which leads to the brain. Any source of sound sends vibrations or sound waves into the air. These funnel through the ear opening, down the ear, canal, and strike your eardrum, causing it to vibrate. The vibrations are passed to the small bones of the middle ear, which transmit them to the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Here, the vibrations become nerve impulses and go directly to the brain, which interprets the impulses as sound (music, voice, a car horn, etc.).

In which part of the ear receives the vibrations in the air?

The eardrum receives the vibrations of the air.

Which structure is between the middle ear and the inner ear?

Sound waves hit the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates in response to the sound waves. These sound vibrations are amplified and transmitted by the auditory ossicles of the middle ear to the inner ear where they are changed into electrical energy and sent to the brain for interpretation.