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Woodchucks do not get wood nor do they eat it. The name woodchuck is what the English speaking peoples heard or could make out based on their vocabulary when they heard the Algonquian term for this animal which is wuchak.

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11y ago

They eat grass, clover etc... They usually feed in morning and evening when it is the coolest outside.

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11y ago

They dig holes in the ground and eat worms.

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Were do woodchucks live?


Do woodchucks live in Oregon?

I have one in my backyard in Portland, OR.

What kind of home does a woodchuck live in?

Woodchucks normally burrow into the ground.

Do woodchucks live in Washington state?

There is wood in Washington so if you ask your self how much wood a woodchuck, chucks if woodchucks could chuck wood then id say yes

Do wood chucks have more in common with squirrels or mice?

Woodchucks are considerably larger than both squirrels and mice. Woodchucks live in holes in the ground, mice in nests at various levels and squirrels in trees. Woodchucks, like squirrels, limit their activity in the winter.

Do woodchucks live in Northern Mississippi?

We have pictures of Mr. Woodchuck outside our condo in Oxford.

Do woodchucks live in Colorado?

If you wish hard enough, then somebody might chuck them over there

Do woodchucks eat minnows?

No. Woodchucks are herbivores, that is, plant eaters.

Do woodchucks live in North Carolina?

Groundhogs, also known as 'wood chucks', live in northern and western parts of North Carolina.

What does a woodchucks look like?

they might have black or brown specks on its head also they have a lot of hair and skin. their babies are born live and not from an egg actually no mammals are born from an egg well besides birds. woodchucks are vertebrates.

Do woodchucks have flat teeth?

Woodchucks have the same number of teeth as Beavers.

Do wood chucks have more characteristics in common with squirrels or mice?

The woodchuck has more characteristics in common with squirrels because they are from the same family