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just invite or accept invitations. the 500 mafia members is the limit for fighting. you can only bring 500 top mafia members to a fight but you can have more than that.

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Q: How do you add members to Mafia Wars above 500?
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In Mafia Wars Wars what is the maximum number of street gang members you can take into a fight?

The maximum members you can have in your mafia is 500 at this point. So the maximum you could take into a fight is 500 + 1 (you) = 501

What is the most Mafia Wars members you'll need is?

you can have as much members as you want but you can only take 500 during a fight. the more members you have, the better because the members you'll be taking with you are the top 500 in your mafia.

Add more than 501 Mafia Wars?

you can add mafia members over 501 but you can only take 500 to a fight.

How many family members can you have in Mafia Wars?

so far there is no limit on how many family you can have on your mafia family but you can only take 500 mafia families to attack.

How do you get 500 energy and mafia members on Mafia Wars?

You can get 500 energy by levelling up 100 levels and spending all your points on energy. If you meant how do you get 500 members in your mafia though, most people use sites like to easily join up with other people looking for more members.

How many members can you have in Mafia Wars?

As many as you like. The top 500 weapons will be used though. I have 2000.

What happens if you go over 500 members in Mafia Wars?

I don't think anything happens. You just have a really big gang!

Where do you put the codes in for MySpace Mafia Wars?

You use a program that hacks into Mafia Wars stats and gives you 500 energy, 500 stamina, and 500 million dollars. You can't send the program but it automatically works when you join someones mafia who has it. It hacks in and boosts you up.

How many times can you upgrade your property in Mafia Wars in new york?

No limit, I've upgraded all my properties above lvl 500 and I keep upgrading.

What is the limit of invites in Facebook Mafia Wars?

You can only have up to 501 people in your mafia, so the limit should be 500.

Are there any Myspace Mafia Wars cheat codes and how do you put the money code molah in?

There is a program that hacks into my Mafia Wars stats and gives them 500 energy, 500 stamina, and 500million dollars. You can't send the program but it automatically works when you join a mafia. It hacks in and boosts you up.

What if your mafia size in mafia war?

personally, mine is 7 mafia size affects the attack and defense of your mafia. the more the better. you can only take 500 mafia members in a fight but it's better you have more than that because you will take to fight the best mafia members.personally mine is 1400+ members.