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The same way you would anyone else!

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Q: How do you ask out a person you know pretty well who is younger than you?
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I'm pretty sure he would

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get to know him and then ask him out in the future.

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If she is younger than 12 than she is probably not physically able to be romantically attracted to another person. Wait until she has entered puberty.

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There's a pretty good chance that he would.

What is a cradles?

1. cradle snatcher A person who prefers relatively younger sexual partners or courtship partners. Someone who dates a person considerably younger than themselves.

What's it called when an older person likes a person alot younger than them?

Paedophilia. It is called paedophilia.

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What is a cradle snatcher?

1. cradle snatcher A person who prefers relatively younger sexual partners or courtship partners. Someone who dates a person considerably younger than themselves.

Is younger than me or younger than I correct?

Younger than me is correct.