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Area = Length * Breadth.

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Q: How do you calculate area of a rectangular surface?
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How do you calculate the area of a rectangular prism?

Surface area = 2ab + 2bc + 2ac

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How do you calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism?

Formula: S = 2B + L

How do you calculate the area of a rectangular crystal surface?

It is 2*(Length*Breadth + Breadth*Height + Height*Length).

Surface area of rectangular prism?

surface area of a rectangular prism is the formula: 2lw+2wh+2lh

Surface area of rectangular pyramid?

Suppose that the area of the rectangular base is: lw then if the height is: h the surface area is: lw + lh + wh I believe that formula is for the surface area of a rectangular prism...

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

What are the dimensions of two rectangular prisms with the same surface area?

Given the surface area of a rectangular prism, there are infinitely many rectangular prisms possible.

What has the same volume but different surface area?

This will usually be the case for objects that have different shapes: even if they have the same volume, it is unlikely that they have the same surface area. As an example, calculate the volume and surface area of the following two rectangular block shapes: 1) A 2 x 2 x 2 rectangular block 2) A 1 x 1 x 8 rectangular block

What is the difference of the surface area of a cylinder and a rectangular prism?

The surface area of a cylinder prism has round shape and the surface of a rectangular prism has a square shape.

What two different rectangular prisms have same surface area?

Given any rectangular prism, there are infinitely many other rectangular prisms with exactly the same surface area.

What is the smallest possible surface area of a right prism with a volume of 200 cm3?

Assuming you mean a rectangular prism, you get the smallest surface area if the prism is a cube. You can calculate the required length of side to get that volume; then, based on that, the corresponding surface area.